
Investor First Strategy

Our syndication process gives all types of investors (small to large) the opportunity to become a part of real estate ownership without the full burden of responsibilities. NPI bridges the gap by sourcing capital, transacting the deal, securing the loan, full-service construction management, hands on property management and consulting on maximizing exit returns. Our strategy is to find real estate that holds a special risk return ratio between ground up development and stabilized assets.


We don’t just manage your investment - We Grow It.

We have over 20 years of cumulative Seattle based real estate experience and that local knowledge gives us an edge in identifying the best pockets of opportunity. Our investors, tenants, vendors and lenders come before our company's profits, period.


Our Syndication Strategy

Deal Sourced

NPI draws on its relationships with local brokers and conservative underwriting to uncover stead fast, investor first deals.

Investors Pooled

Through syndication NPI allows investors to participate in larger, higher yield investments by pooling them together.

Business Plan Executed

NPI develops a custom business plan to fit each deal. Plans include optimal capitol stack, renovation plan, exit and contingency plan.


NPI works backward from the exit to place investors' deals fitting with their unique life goals. This makes the exit process seamless.

From forgotten properties to unforgettable returns

An all too familiar sight. Apartment buildings that seem to be falling apart, their paint peeling, mismatched apartment doors, gutters falling from the edifice. Most see these and think, “Who would live there?”. Typically these types of properties fall between 1960's to early 2000's, garden style and mid-rise construction, and they are peppered throughout the greater Seattle sub-markets. Their owners have typically held the property for decades and deferred maintenance has begun to pile up.

View Our Services
  • How does an income generating property become forgotten?

    The question is valid. Property Management companies don’t pay as much attention to them, and why should they? Rents are low, management fees follow suit and the time may be better spent focusing on larger client holdings.

    The unique nature of the properties make them just out of reach for lower-end investors, those who tend to lean towards fix and flips in the single family home industry, while larger and more experienced investors are likely put off by the amount of work and time it takes to bring rents to market rates. 


    Mind the Gap

  • Mind the gap

    To NPI, though, these distressed assets materialize as nothing but opportunity. Opportunity to improve the property (and therefore the community), an opportunity to employ stronger and more ethical property management practices, and the opportunity to revitalize the asset and realize the highest and best value of the property. We see the gap in interest and we leap over the hurdles to provide a quality of living to the tenants that is above market standards.

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